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How to Get Rid of Woodlice in the Home Naturally

Finding woodlice in your house can be quite surprising and not exactly pleasant. These tiny critters, while harmless, can become quite bothersome if they start showing up everywhere. This guide is here to help you tackle a woodlice problem in a natural and effective way. By the end of this read, you’ll have all the know-how to keep your home free from these unwanted guests.

What Do Woodlice Look Like?

Ever wondered about those small, grey bugs that curl up into a ball when you touch them? Those are woodlice, also known as pill bugs or roly-polies. They’re pretty small, just about the size of a pea, and their ability to roll up is a neat little trick for protecting themselves. Being able to spot and identify these little creatures is an important step when you’re trying to get rid of them from your home.

How Do Woodlice Enter the Home?

So, how do these little guys end up in your home? Woodlice are on a constant hunt for moisture because they need it to survive. They find their way inside through tiny openings around your home’s doors, windows, or even cracks in the foundation. Once you know where they’re likely to come in from, it becomes easier to take steps to keep them out.

What Do Woodlice Eat?

Woodlice are like nature’s cleanup crew. They love eating old, rotting plants, like leaves and wood. They also enjoy tiny bits of mold and algae. In your home, they might snack on food crumbs. So, keeping your place clean isn’t just for us, it’s for these little guys too!

Are Woodlice Harmful or Dangerous?

The good news is, woodlice aren’t harmful or dangerous to you or your home. They don’t bite, they aren’t known to carry diseases, and they won’t chew through your house like some pests. But if you’re finding a lot of them, it’s usually a sign that there’s too much moisture around home, like mold or dampness, which could be more serious.

Signs of Woodlice Infestation

Even though woodlice aren’t a danger, it’s still good to know if they’re around. The most obvious sign is seeing the woodlice themselves, usually in moist places like your basement or under the sink. Another clue is their droppings, which are tiny and look a bit like black pepper. Finding these signs can help you catch an infestation early and take action to keep your home dry and woodlice-free.

How to Get Rid of Woodlice in the Home Naturally

If you’re dealing with woodlice in your home and looking for natural ways to get rid of them, you’re in the right place. Here’s a simple guide to help you tackle them effectively:

1. Reduce Moisture in Your Home

Woodlice love damp places. To make your home less inviting to them, try to keep it dry. Fix any leaks you find, use a dehumidifier in humid areas like basements, and make sure your rooms are well-ventilated. This step is crucial because less moisture means fewer woodlice.

2. Seal Up Their Entry Points

Take a walk around your house and look for any small gaps or cracks around windows, doors, or the foundation. Sealing these with caulk can stop woodlice from getting in.

3. Use Natural Repellents

There are a few things woodlice don’t like, such as diatomaceous earth or boric acid. Sprinkle these natural substances near potential entry points and damp areas. They’re safe for you and your pets, but they’ll help keep woodlice away.

4. Keep the Area Around Your House Clean

Woodlice might be living in leaf piles, wood stacks, or other debris near your home. By keeping the area around your house clean and tidy, you remove their favorite hangout spots.

5. Invite Their Natural Enemies

Encouraging birds and garden insects into your yard can help control woodlice naturally. These natural predators love to snack on woodlice, helping keep their numbers down.

How to Get Rid of Woodlice in the Garden Naturally

To get rid of woodlice in the garden, you should focus on creating an environment that is less appealing to them. Woodlice thrive in moist, dark areas and feed on decaying organic matter. Here are some steps to manage their presence:

  • Remove Excess Moisture: Ensure good drainage in your garden. Overwatering or poor drainage creates ideal conditions for woodlice. Fix any waterlogged areas and consider improving soil drainage.
  • Clear Debris: Regularly clear garden debris such as fallen leaves, rotting wood, and compost heaps, as these are preferred habitats for woodlice.
  • Trim Overgrown Plants: grown plants can create damp, shaded areas that attract woodlice. Regularly trim plants and bushes to increase sunlight exposure and reduce moisture.
  • Use Barrier Methods: Create barriers using copper tape or diatomaceous earth around the base of plants. Woodlice avoid crossing these materials, helping to protect your plants.
  • Adjust Mulching Practices: While mulch is beneficial for soil health, it can also harbor woodlice. Consider using less mulch, or opt for inorganic mulches like stone or rubber, which are less attractive to woodlice.
  • Encourage Natural Predators: Birds, frogs, and some insects are natural predators of woodlice. Attracting these predators to your garden can help keep the woodlice population in check.
  • Use Organic Pesticides: If necessary, opt for organic pesticides that are effective against woodlice but safe for the garden ecosystem. Products containing iron phosphate can be effective.
  • Regular Inspection: Regularly inspect your garden, especially areas prone to dampness and decay. Early detection can prevent larger infestations.
how to get rid of woodlice in house or garden naturally

Prevention Tips to Stop Woodlice from Coming Into Your House

Keeping woodlice out in the first place can save you a lot of hassle. Here are some easy tips to help you prevent these little critters from entering your home:

1. Keep Things Dry

Woodlice are attracted to moisture, so the drier your home, the less inviting it will be for them. Use a dehumidifier in damp areas like basements, and make sure your bathroom and kitchen are well-ventilated. Also, fix any leaky pipes or faucets to reduce excess moisture.

2. Clean Regularly

A clean house is less attractive to woodlice. Regular vacuuming and sweeping, especially in corners and under furniture, can help prevent woodlice from settling in.

3. Manage Your Garden

Woodlice love hiding in garden debris, so keep your yard clean. Clear away leaf piles, stack wood neatly and away from your house, and trim back plants that are close to your walls.

4. Seal Cracks and Gaps

Check the exterior of your house for any cracks or gaps, especially around windows, doors, and the foundation. Sealing these up with caulk can keep woodlice from sneaking in.

5. Consider Natural Repellents

Some natural substances, like cedarwood or lavender, are said to repel woodlice. Placing these near potential entry points might help keep them at bay.


Dealing with woodlice in your home doesn’t have to be a tough task. By adopting these natural and straightforward strategies, you can effectively control and prevent woodlice infestations. Keeping your home dry, sealing entry points, and maintaining cleanliness are key measures to ensure these little critters stay outside where they belong. Remember, the most effective pest control is often preventing the problem before it starts. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a woodlice-free home.

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